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ShellSpec - A full-featured BDD unit testing framework for dash, bash, ksh, zsh and all POSIX shells

ShellSpec vs shUnit2 vs Bats-core

Feature comparison list

  ShellSpec shUnit2 Bats-core
Supported shells all POSIX shell Bourne shell, POSIX shell bash only
Framework style BDD xUnit original
Syntax DSL (shell script compatible) shell script almost bash
Nestable block with scope support - -
Before / After hooks support support support
Skip / Pending / Focus support (all) support (skip only) support (skip only)
Mock / Stub support (built-in) - - (extension exists)
Parameterized tests support - -
Assertion line number support (all shells) support (limited shells) support (bash only)
Quick execution support - -
Parallel execution support - support (requires GNU parallel)
Random execution support - -
Filtering by name support support support
Filtering by line number support - -
TAP formatter support - support
JUnit XML formatter support - support
Coverage support (requires kcov) - -
Profiler support - -

Syntax comparison with shUnit2

shUnit2 is a xUnit based unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts.


#! /bin/sh
# file: examples/

testAdding() {
  result=`add_generic 1 2`
  assertEquals \
      "the result of '${result}' was wrong" \
      3 "${result}"

  # Disable non-generic tests.
  [ -z "${BASH_VERSION:-}" ] && startSkipping

  result=`add_bash 1 2`
  assertEquals \
      "the result of '${result}' was wrong" \
      3 "${result}"

oneTimeSetUp() {
  # Load include to test.
  . ./

# Load and run shUnit2.
. ./shunit2


#shellcheck shell=sh

Include ./

Describe 'add_generic()'
  It 'adds values using expr'
    When call add_generic 1 2
    The output should eq 3

Describe 'add_bash()'
  Skip if 'non-generic tests' [ -z "${BASH_VERSION:-}" ]

  It 'adds values using arithmetic expansion'
    When call add_bash 1 2
    The output should eq 3

Syntax comparison with Bats-core


#!/usr/bin/env bats

@test "addition using bc" {
  result="$(echo 2+2 | bc)"
  [ "$result" -eq 4 ]

@test "addition using dc" {
  result="$(echo 2 2+p | dc)"
  [ "$result" -eq 4 ]

@test "invoking foo with a nonexistent file prints an error" {
  run foo nonexistent_filename
  [ "$status" -eq 1 ]
  [ "$output" = "foo: no such file 'nonexistent_filename'" ]

@test "invoking foo without arguments prints usage" {
  run foo
  [ "$status" -eq 1 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "usage: foo <filename>" ]


#shellcheck shell=sh

Example "addition using bc"
  Data "2+2"
  When run bc
  The output should eq 4

Example "addition using dc"
  Data "2 2+p"
  When run dc
  The output should eq 4

Example "invoking foo with a nonexistent file prints an error"
  When run foo nonexistent_filename
  The status should eq 1
  The output should eq "foo: no such file 'nonexistent_filename'"

Example "invoking foo without arguments prints usage"
  When run foo
  The status should eq 1
  The line 1 should eq "usage: foo <filename>"

Other comparison resources